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plugging away - with results!

since monday, nov. 27:
hours slept - 56.5 (11 last night [far too much], after staying up for 41 consecutive hours.)
hours worked - 40
hours studied - 45
pages written - 25.5
tests completed - 3
food eaten (last 24 hours) - burger king (whopper with cheese no onion, large cherry pepsi and a medium fry, bacon cheeseburger, apple pie), snickers bar, 2 20oz mountain dews, various small chocolates, gum. actually no naked juices today.
last visit home - slept from last night at 4am to today at 3pm. left the house at 4p (after an amazing, much-needed shower), am now returning to sleep for about 4 1/2 hours (it's 5am).

i'm almost 4 pages into my thesis, and the intro is looking pretty good, if i do say so myself. i have the framework down and i think i just accidentally wrote my thesis statement (deep into page 4 - take that, rules!). tomorrow's objectives are to finish the intro, write the ideological comparison, and then it's america day, where i write about the american military response to a policy of torture in the global war on terror. that will be the bulk of the paper - if i can keep that part under 20 pages, i'll be sitting pretty to finish on time, but no promises there. i wonder if i can write that much in one day (though i did write about 22 pages in, say, 11 hours or so the other day...). then it's the french part - their response to a policy of torture in algeria in the 1950s and 60s.

hopefully this is done - like, completely done - by saturday afternoon so i can write my international law paper (a mere 10-15 pages). i won't get anything done on friday - last dn football game and last banquet. not planning on sleeping much tomorrow.

look for further updates, and keep counting those pages with me.
:: posted by Collin, 4:54 AM | |

(raise your voice!)



one step closer. and motivation.

since monday, nov. 27:
hours slept - 45.5 (only 5 since waking sunday morning. it's now tuesday at 7p)
hours worked - 37
hours studied - 39
pages written - 22
tests completed - 3
food eaten (last 24 hours)- leftover sweet and sour pork from friday (it was fine.), king size snickers bar, two (three?) 20oz mountain dews, two blue-blackberry naked juices, one christmas tree cake deal, more leftover sweet and sour pork from friday (it was still good.), various office chocolates.
last visit home - sunday, dec. 3, 1:30pm.

motivation behind my desk at work (where i'll be doing most of my writing):

in-set caption reads: "i may sleep only 3 hours this week, but this is fucking happening!"

i can't wait to sleep. i can't wait to shower. i can't wait to change out of the clothes i put on sunday morning. i can't wait until monday, when this is all over (virtually).

alright. only 70-something pages to go, or so...
:: posted by Collin, 6:48 PM | |

i knew it!
Blogger Ashley Corinn Waldorf, at 10:09 PM  

(raise your voice!)



slowly but surely.

since monday, nov. 27:
hours slept - 24.5
hours worked - 25
hours studied - 21
pages written - 0
tests completed - 3
food eaten (last 24 hours)- two bowls of cereal and a plateful of vietnamese food at the amnesty dinner - i have a plastic container full of rice and sweet and sour pork. mmm... leftovers.
last visit home - friday, dec. 1, 6pm.

i woke up at 2:30 this afternoon after 10 glorious ours of deep, deep sleep. i needed it. i played football with fellow dners and strangers from 3:30 to 5:30 and ended up being late to the amnesty dinner (which was awesome!). the food was great, the movie was excellent, the speakers were beyond impressive and the company was wonderful. i miss my amnesty friends. it was really nice to see them all again.

i'm at the dn and have spent the last 2 hours looking of USAID policy and strategy. this political science 400 paper is going to be good - just watch.

tomorrow it's more democracy promotion and human rights stuff - maybe even some u.s. torture vs. french torture stuff, who knows. then the big 12 championship! call it wishful thinking, but i think the crowd has something to do with this one. the sea of red turns arrowhead into lincoln's memorial stadium and gives the huskers the edge. my prediction: nebraska 24, oklahoma 20.

go big red! and go academia.
:: posted by Collin, 2:57 AM | |

(raise your voice!)



keeping track: progressive steps toward an undergraduate university degree.

sometimes i need motivation. sometimes i need some sort of check to balance me. this is that check.

for the next sixteen days i will be updating nightly on my own progress toward that which i've been working for the last four and a half years. i'm not about to let the next two weeks keep me from that.

in order to make sure i'm not putting the important stuff off, i'll be keeping track of everything here. sleep hours, work hours, study hours, pages written, tests completed and food eaten. watch my health deteriorate as the papers accumulate. it should be riveting.

it will be marked since this past monday. the hours slept will be moderately skewed; since waking tuesday morning, i've had but six hours of rest. but enough of the prelude. on to the initial stats:

since monday, nov. 27:
hours slept - 14
hours worked - 25
hours studied - 19
pages written - 0
tests completed - 3
food eaten - (to be updated daily. i can't be expected to remember everything i've eaten since monday. know that it's consisted of much subway and burger king, naked juices, snickers bars, cherry pepsis and mountain dews.)
last visit home - wednesday, nov. 29, 9pm.

each subsequent post on this blog will begin with updated statistics. expect a post before bed each night.

...let it begin.

*EDIT: it's 3:14am. i'm leaving work, and i hope to be in bed by 3:45. i'll be surprised if i'm awake before the dn football game at 3:30 in the afternoon. hopefully i will already have started writing. we'll see.
:: posted by Collin, 1:04 AM | |

(raise your voice!)



the end... it begins.

i'm almost there.

the dark circles and bags under my eyes make me look like a zombie.

i have more to say. this is going to chronicle what i do and how i do it. you'll be able to keep up with me. until this is all over.

sixteen days. and counting...
:: posted by Collin, 1:42 PM | |

(raise your voice!)



tell me this doesn't put you in the spirit of the season.

go ahead. try to resist it.

you can't.

:: posted by Collin, 3:18 AM | |

(raise your voice!)



vampires can't exist.
happy halloween.

a physics professor at the university of central florida used a simple mathematical proof specifically to spoil our fun on the greatest holiday of the year:

(professor costas) efthimiou's debunking logic: on jan 1, 1600, the human population was 536,870,911. if the first vampire came into existence that day and bit one person a month, there would have been two vampires by feb. 1, 1600. a month later there would have been four, and so on. in just two-and-a-half years the original human population would all have become vampires with nobody left to feed on.

what professor fun-trampler hasn't considered is that we are all vampires that have evolved past the necessity for ingestion of human blood. mr. smarty pants doesn't look so smart now, does he?

here is the story: vampires a mathematical impossibility, scientist says
and here's a link to a pdf file that efthimiou wrote: ghosts, vampires and zombies (read this one! it's awesome.)

according to the second one, it looks like zombification may have actually occurred in haiti.

happy halloween everyone!

*EDIT: also, if you consider yourself a baseball fann at all, you need to see the video my roommate recently posted on his blog. it's excellent. titled on another red sox related note.

seriously. watch.
:: posted by Collin, 2:49 AM | |

listen, i refuse to believe any of these lies. vampires are real.
Blogger John, at 6:14 PM  

(raise your voice!)